Order HUCA Clothing

Represent Harvard Cycling!

We are proud to offer our team racing kit for sale. Our racing kit is custom designed by student racers and is manufactured by Craft. We offer a range of items of items for fair-weather riding and racing and training in cold New England winters.

Here’s How

You can get our kit by submitting a request to our website during one of our clothing orders. If we have your request in stock, we will ship it immediately. If we do not have some items of your request in stock, we will inform you and can slate your item for manufacture.
You'll need to log in to order clothing. If you don't yet have an account, it's easy, quick, and we won't share your personal information except so that we can get you your order (e.g. by writing your address on an envelope to ship your clothes).


You kit order is a vital part of support for HUCA and our racing team. If you would like to support HUCA at a more serious level, please see our support page. Please understand that this is not a business, but a student run organization. We consider your purchase a donation to our organization, and will work with our best effort to fulfill your order in a timely and supported manner.